OPrep1.2 - The learner will actively participate in career development activities (e.g.awareness, exploration, and planning) to determine a career goal.
- OPrep1.2.01 - Defines terms related to vocational training (e.g. apprenticeships, cooperative education, job shadowing, on-the-job training, internships).
- OPrep1.2.02 - Identifies major benefits of employment along with specific advantages and disadvantages of certain careers.
- OPrep1.2.03 - Identifies various sources of occupational information and strategies for accessing information.
- OPrep1.2.04 - Develops an awareness of things to be considered when making a career pathway choice: occupational interests, job possibilities in areas of interests, required training or education, salary ranges, working conditions, job requirements, employee and environment match.
- OPrep1.2.05 - Participates successfully in multiple school-based activities to complete the 300-hour requirement for the Occupational Course of Study by graduation: vocational assessment activities, school factories, school-based enterprises, hands-on vocational training in Career-Technical Education courses, job fairs, Vocational Rehabilitation work adjustment training, Job Clubs.